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Illustrated (L-R) :   Whirlpool 'wig-wag' magnet control,    washing machine agitator,    gas range spark module and    a dryer door catch

This Repair Parts section tells you what you need to know to purchase service parts for your major home appliances. It will walk you step by step through the information you need, show where to find it and also explain some potential pitfalls along the way.

Browse the 'Glossary of Terms' to find the actual name of the part your looking to replace. The 'Who Makes What' section shows the manufacturer behind the appliance's brand name to help you find the most appropriate part supplier for your particular product.

Be sure to read the 'OEM vs. Generic Parts' and 'Don't Be Surprised' sections thoroughly so you can be fully prepared.

New feature! The 'Part Lists' page has links to manufacturer and supplier sites that contain parts breakdowns and schematic diagrams available on-line in various formats.

New feature! Once you find the part number of the component needed, use the Appliance411 'Availability Search' feature to find a supplier with the part available on-line.

Manuals available!If you need an owner's or repair manual, see the Appliance411 Home Service section for links to various resources.

Dan the appliance man

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